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HER 2020 - 2021 SEASON RE-IMAGINED Celebrating the Impact of Women on the World Live Performances Oct 20 - 25, 2020 Online Streaming Concert Oct 24 - Nov 3, 2020In memory of the lives lost worldwide to COVID-19. 150th anniversary year of the premiere of “London Version” for 4-hands piano. THE NURTURER BRAHMS REQUIEM True Concord Choir, Soloists & Chamber Players Glorious — Tender Beautiful Tears in Sound If grief and love could be embodied in sound, it would be the Brahms Requiem. Johannes Brahms threw himself into the creation of his Requiem after the death of his beloved mother. The loss left him lonely and heartbroken. He was fortunate to have the ability to express and console his grief by creating what is now one of the most beloved works in the classical realm. His was a Requiem “for the people” – written in the daily- spoken German rather than the customary Latin – on texts Brahms chose from the Lutheran Bible. The Requiem established Brahms as a major composer in his time. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Brahms’s “London Version,” True Concord treats you to his chamber version of the Requiem, with 4-hands piano replacing the orchestra. For many, this will be a new, more intimate way to experience this beloved work. Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem is not, like most Requiems, a mass for the dead or about resurrection. Rather, it is a work of consolation for those left behind.“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.” - Brahms Requiem, Fifth Movementpresents PARTNERS The Nurturer — Brahms Requiem Eric Holtan, Founding Music Director Corporate Season Sponsor Corporate Video Sponsor Season Sponsors Andrew & Cammie Watson Associate Season Sponsor Frances S. Richardson Fall Season Sponsors John E. Wahl & Mary Lou Forier Spring Season Sponsor Carol des Cognets Concert Series Sponsors The Delightful Divas: Nancy Atherton, Julie Gibson, Elizabeth Giles, Sally Gunderman & Bonnie Winn October 25, 3PM Performance Sponsor Susan Markovich Video Performance Sponsor Donita GrossTHE NURTURER — BRAHMS REQUIEM PROGRAM Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45 “London Version” Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) Chelsea Helm, soprano Edward Vogel, baritone Elena Miraztchiyska & Marie Sierra, piano Selig sind, die da Leid tragen Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras Herr, lehre doch mich Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben The Requiem is performed in memory of lives lost here at home and throughout the world to COVID-19Eric Holtan, Founding Music Director Philip Moody, Assistant Director Elena Miraztchiyska, Rehearsal Accompanist TRUE CONCORD VOICES & ORCHESTRA SOPRANO Jennifer Bates Julie Bosworth Erika Burkhart Chelsea Helm Asleif Willmer ALTO Catherine Hedberg Kim Leeds Clifton Massey Gina Soranno McCann TENOR Michael Jones Corey Shotwell Steven Soph Gene Stenger BASS Philip Moody Andrew Padgett Thann Scoggin Ross Tamaccio Edward Vogel PIANO Elena Miraztchiyska Marie SierraDonors to True Concord’s “Bubble” Project $20,000 or more Warren & Donna Beck $10,000-$19,999 Marlys Beider Nancy March & Neil Ampel Frances S. Richardson Jeannette Segel $5000-$9,999 Quentin Anderson & Pamela Henderson Anonymous in honor of Jack Wahl & Mary Lou Forier Carol des Cognets Bob & Maija Downing Other Gifts Eric Holtan Lendre & King Kearns Susan Markovich John & Barbara McLean David Nix & Ellen Wheeler Andrea & Douglas Robson Eve Shapiro & Paul Gordon True Concord is grateful to the following donors whose contributions have made the unique and re-imagined 2020-21 season possible.1119KC TC Splendido is an all-inclusive community for those 55 and better, with spacious floor plans, resort-style amenities, financial security, and on-site health care if ever needed. Rendering, subject to change without notice. 13500 N. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Tucson • (520) 762.4084 • We’re proud to support True Concord Voices & Orchestra. ALL THE MORE REASON. MORE OPTIONS. MORE CONTROL. MORE PEACE OF MIND.Next >